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Products / Beef Cattle

Great heavy results

Animal food ready for use. This line was produced to reach the maximum growth and reproductive performance.
The products of this line contain: selected cereals, vitamins, minerals, antioxidant, pH ruminal regulators and performance improver additives.
They present multiple particles of precooked, pelletized and laminated cereals, bathed in molasses, offering high palatability, digestibility and weight gain.
This line offers different nutritional levels with the aim to reach the various stages of farming.

Questions about animal nutrition?
Contact our experts
Questions about animal nutrition?
Contact our experts
J A Teixeira Veterinária Ltda. Headquarters: Angelo Santi Avenue, 1615. Santo Augusto, RS, Brazil. Phone: +55 (55) 3781-3476
Indústria Pet Food. Headquarters: Alberto Sperotto Street, 65. Santo Augusto, RS, Brazil. Phone: +55 (55) 3781-3329